What's Growing In Ditmas?

This heatwave is making us feel all sorts of sluggish and awful, but it doesn’t seem to be doing the same for the plants around town! Green thumbs of Ditmas seem to be getting some delicious-looking results this week. Spanky Tomato sent in this photo of the first cucumber harvest of the season…

… while local gardener Tracey Hohman says she’s enjoying standing barefoot in the grass and eating her raspberries.

When we asked Sheryll Durant of Sustainable Flatbush how her plants were doing in the heat, she said the motherwort, basil, calendula, cilantro, tulsi kapoor, evening primrose, spillanthes, borage, chamomile, marshmallow, cayenne, hyssop, epazote, valerian and catnip, mullein, nettles, and wild bergamot at the organization’s Healing Herb Garden were actually really flourishing in it. Sounds like things with roots are enjoying the sweltering temperatures a bit more than we are!

So, Ditmas gardeners, what are you tending and/or harvesting right now, and how’s the weather treating it? Did anyone learn good produce-pickling tricks from Tali at the Cortelyou Greenmarket last Sunday? Making any goodies, or just eating things barefoot a la Hohman?