What Would You Do: Sub-Zero Dogs?

Living in a tight-knit community has its perks (last-minute babysitters you can count on, neighbors who will lend you the lawnmower, bars where everyone knows your name), but sometimes wanting to be neighborly can pose as many challenges as living somewhere without personal ties.

What Would You Do is a place to discuss difficult neighborhood issues–problems you run into around your neck of the woods, when it’s okay to step in, and how to do it most effectively without sacrificing the relationships you’ve built over the years. If you have a topic you’d like addressed in the series, let us know (we’ll keep you anonymous, we promise!) at editor@ditmasparkcorner.com.

We’ll start off the series with an issue that’s been particularly bothersome over the past couple of days.

With the snow, ice, and temperatures below freezing as of late, we’ve noticed a lot of dogs tied up outside stores and restaurants for extended periods of time.

Sure, a lot of dogs enjoy a good frolic in the snow–but when you see one left alone for a while, or one shivering or otherwise clearly uncomfortable, what’s your next course of action? And if you see the dog’s owner, do you say anything–or do you feel as if it’s not your business?

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Photo by allerleirau