What To Keep In Mind For Yet Another Snowy Day

Oh, look. It’s snowing.
Today is going to be quite a mess. The forecast is calling for snow, sleet, rain, and then more snow to top off all the slush. Here’s what you need to know:
Although NYC public schools are officially open today, all field trips are cancelled.
Alternate side parking is suspended through Monday, February 17. Meters are still in effect, though, so don’t forget to feed the Muni.
Garbage and recycling collection is delayed, as workers continue snow removal operations around the city. DSNY asks residents to remove any snow from garbage that is already out, and to make sure that bags are placed in a spot that is “accessible to sanitation workers.”
If your street is still looking a little rough, click here to see where those plows are.
Know that all trains on outdoor tracks are going local, and keep up with the latest subway updates via NYCTSubwayScoop.
We were surprised not to see any delays or changes on the B/Q this morning (with the exception of the one linked above, which was posted after 9am). Did everyone make it to work on time? And did the kids go to school, or did you decide it was a snow day after all?
Photo by amberala