What Kind Of Business Would You Like To See At 673 5th Avenue?

The storefront at 673 5th Avenue, on the corner of 20th Street, is currently available to rent. CPEX Real Estate has the 1,600-square-foot space, which also includes a basement, listed for $6,000 per month.
This stretch of 5th has been changing, and is continuing to change, pretty rapidly. Nearby, two new residential buildings will soon go up, on 17th and on 23rd — and another, possibly, on 19th. Long-time businesses have closed — Lindos, Has Beans — while other new ones have popped up, like J’eatjet and Sekt.
For those who live and work in this area now, and anyone who spends time here, what do you think is needed on this corner? What’s missing, and what do you think would be successful?
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Image via Google Maps