What Do You Want The New Windsor Terrace Food Co-op To Offer?

Hey, you, new Windsor Terrace Food Co-op member!

What are you hoping to buy at the co-op? Are you an all fruits and veggies kinda person – or do you want to see some of those sweet, sweet baked goods, too?

If you’d like to have a say in what the new co-op, which is slated to open at 825 Caton Avenue on March 21, offers, as well as what days it will be open, you should consider attending the first all-members meeting on Monday, February 2 from 7-8:30pm at Holy Name Parish Hall (245 Prospect Park West between Prospect Avenue and Windsor Place).

Prior to the meeting, members are encouraged to fill out this survey about the kinds of topics that will be raised during the February 2 gathering.

For more information about the gathering and the incoming shop, you can visit the co-op’s website. Or, if you have questions about becoming a member – or the co-op in general, you can send an email to windsorterracefoodcoop@gmail.com.

And let us know what you think, too! In the comments below, we’d love to hear what you’d like the co-op to be like once it’s up and running.