What Are Ditmas Park’s Resolutions?

We recently posted a poll asking your New Year’s resolutions. In addition to the poll, we walked around the neighborhood asking neighbors in person about resolutions. Here are the results.

Two thirds of neighbors said they wouldn’t make a resolution. Only two (a father and son) were pessimistic on resolutions. Most, like my postman, used every sunrise as an excuse to resolve to live better.

“I set a goal everyday and not wait until New Years,” said the postman, who hasn’t made a resolution in 10 years.

A 67-year-old woman we met by the Dorchester overpass agreed that you can’t wait until January 1 to improve your life. “I thank God everyday I’m able to move and walk around.”  The lady confided she wasn’t always this able-bodied but her daily resolutions helped her gain health.  Her commitment paid off.  I would have guessed her age at 45. Her smile and a friendly personality helped with her youthful aura.

Four people polled spoke English as a second language and asked for clarification of the question, “Are you making a New Year’s resolution?” Either something was lost in translation or America is unique in setting New Year resolutions. Our Hungarian friend had no interest in the tradition (although he confirmed Hungarians do make resolutions) but his American wife pledged to eat better for her baby which is due in June.  When I asked the Russian librarian about his resolution he said, “this is a very confusing question.  Now, what book are you looking for?”

One father in the library initially said he had no resolution but after considering the question for 10 seconds he listed a number of community improvements he’d like to be involved with including:

  • More parks
  • More playgrounds
  • More computers in the library for kids

A college student cited her resolution as running 1,000 miles in 2013. She plotted it out to be 3 miles per day, giving her 95 miles of leeway.  A tween boy had a similar extreme goal: the 100 push up challenge.  These two may be sprinting into 2014 with strong shoulders.

We met a couple on East 18th Street. She was hesitant to share her resolution but when she confided–stop swearing–we congratulated her on her noble goal. Her gentleman friend was happy to share he was hoping to settle down. The curse-free lady may soon be getting a ring.

I must include my mother’s New Year’s resolution as payment  for helping  me poll. She plans to jump her horse over a 3’2″ jump.  That is an accomplishment for anyone but especially noteworthy at 65 with two new hips and a new knee.

As for my resolution, I first must give you background. I grew up in rural Alaska and thought cherry Chapstick was lipstick. My 2012 resolution was to apply lip gloss every day. I’ve been so successful in keeping up with my resolution, reapplying multiple times a day, that I decided my 2013 resolution will be mascara. By 2020, I may know how to make up my entire face.

Photo: Cris