Weekend Stoop Sales: June 28-29

We’re closing out the first official week of summer, school’s out, the weather is going to be great, and it’s the end of the month so people are moving — it all adds up for a potentially excellent weekend of bargain hunting at local stoop sales. Here’s where you should be looking for good deals on you neighbors’ old stuff:

Where: 7th Avenue between Windsor Pl & Prospect Ave
When: Saturday June 28, 11am-3pm
What: Here are some folks who are moving, and selling a whole bunch of their belongings, including furniture, lamps, books, women’s clothing, and because the husband is a musician, expect a lot of electronics and musical equipment.

Where: Corner of 6th Avenue and 12th Street
When: Saturday June 28, 9am-3pm
What: Prepare your kids for Halloween early — these folks will have several kinds of costumes. They’ll also have clothes for newborns, boys and girls size 4T through 8, plus kids shoes, toys, and books. And yes, some stuff for grown-ups, like women’s clothing, records, furniture, and books.

Where: 10th Street between 6th & 7th Avenues
When: Sunday June 29, 11am
What: While you’re out grabbing Sunday brunch, this should be a good stop along your walk — it’s a multi-family, block-long stoop sale, which promises children’s books, toys, and CDs, clothing, furniture, “random wonderful treasures,” and more.

Are you hosting a local stoop sale this weekend? Let your neighbors know in the comments below!

And if you’re holding one on a weekend in the future, be sure to email us the details — where, when, what kind of stuff — at editor@bklyner.com.