Weekday Fun: The Best Events March 3-5

Looking for something fun to do this week to put the dreary weather out of your mind? From an 18-piece band playing to a National Book Award winner reading, from knitting to a puntastic monthly competition, there’s plenty to get out and enjoy in the neighborhood. Details on those events, and more:

Size Matters: Cecilia Coleman Big Band
When: Monday, March 3, 8-10:30pm
Where: Tea Lounge, 837 Union Street
What: An inventive pianist and a skilled composer, Cecilia Coleman is also a significant big band leader, and the 18-piece Cecilia Coleman Big Band includes six saxophonists including a soprano player.
How much: Free!

The Moth StorySlam
When: Monday, March 3, 8pm (doors 7:30pm)
Where: The Bell House, 149 7th Street
What: Whether you’re chosen to tell your 5-minute story or you just get to listen to others, this month’s topic — song — is sure to be compelling enough to keep your mind off the frigid temperatures for a while. The winning storyteller of the night gets to move on to a GrandSlam Championship.
How much: $8 at the door

George Packer Reading
When: Tuesday, March 4, 7pm
Where: Community Bookstore, 143 7th Avenue
What: The author celebrates the paperback debut of The Unwinding, winner of the 2013 National Book Award for nonfiction. The book follows the struggles of several Americans from different socioeconomic backgrounds and illustrates how their personal struggles represent the crisis facing our American democracy.
How much: Free!

Punderdome 3000
When: Tuesday, March 4, 8pm (doors 7:30pm)
Where: Littlefield, 622 Degraw Street
What: Brooklyn’s premier monthly punning competition is back in all its linguistic glory. The event is open to all, but only 18 spots are reserved for competitors who want to participate in competitive spontaneous pun-making, and they go to individuals or duos on a first-come/first-served basis.
How much: $7 at the door, $6 in advance

Fiber Arts Group
When: Wednesday, March 5, 6-8pm
Where: Central Library, Dweck Center, 10 Grand Army Plaza
What: Calling crafters of all levels — join others who quilt, embroider, knit, crochet, and more to share tips, ask questions, and work on projects.
How much: Free!

Photo via Cecilia Coleman Big Band