Where to Watch the World Cup in the Neighborhood

The World Cup 2014 starts this Thursday in Brazil and we rounded up a few places in the neighborhood for local fans to watch the games. Have a favorite local spot for World Cup fun? Let us know in the comments.
- Brazil faces Croatia on Thursday at 4 p.m. in the first game of World Cup and Black Forest Brewery will host a kick-off party, featuring a live samba band, at 3:30 p.m. Owners Ayana and Tobias Holler, who opened the beer garden six months ago, installed a HD projector with a 79″ by 140″ screen and soundsystem especially for the games and will offer a special World Cup menu and drink specials.
- The Great Georgiana will open at 11:30 a.m. for day games. Look for the bar’s five for $15 Modelo bucket special during the tournament.
- Get a taste of South American flavor at Colonia Verde, which will offer Latin-inspired specials for the games. Watch the games at the bar, or better yet, outside in its backyard.
- Watch your favorite teams on the two projection screens and enjoy month-long food and drink specials at Putnam’s Pub and Cooker.
- Shout “Allez les bleus!” while sipping a caipirinha – the national drink of Brazil – at Chez Oskar.
- And leave the vuvuzela at home and raise your voice to cheer all month at South African restaurant Madiba.
And in case you’re stuck at your desk, you can still watch the Netherlands’ Arjen Robben score with his wicked left foot online.
Black Forest Brewery
733 Fulton Street
(718) 935-0300
The Great Georgiana
248 DeKalb Avenue
(718) 362-7569
Colonia Verde
219 DeKalb Avenue
(347) 689-4287
Putnam’s Cooker and Pub
419 Myrtle Avenue
(347) 799-2382
Chez Oskar
211 DeKalb Avenue
(718) 855-9190
195 DeKalb Avenue
(718) 855-9190