Watch the Transit of Venus Tonight, If the Weather Cooperates

Venus in Transit in 2004, by Mswggpai, from Wikimedia Commons

Pretty cool astronomy stuff happening today, as Venus passes in front of the sun for the last time in our lifetimes (unless we figure out how to make it to 2117). If the clouds pass and you have a chance to see it when it starts at 6pm, remember not to look directly at the sun, alright? USA Today suggests you use a welding visor, eclipse glasses, or a pinhole projector to get a direct look.

If you want to hang out with some people who have the equipment and the know-how, Gothamist has a list of places where there are viewings tonight (none in Brooklyn, sadly–if you know of any, add them to the comments).

And if the weather continues on as expected, with a chance of showers around sunset, you can follow it all online with NASA.