Watch Out For Film Shoots Next Week

There are several film shoots happening next week in our area– if the weather doesn’t postpone them — so make sure to move your cars and keep a lookout for stars!
On Tuesday, the CBS show Blue Bloods is filming both around Newkirk Plaza and along East 17th Street between Cortelyou and Beverley Roads. It looks like they are filming all day and are asking residents to move your cars by 6pm Monday night.
If you have any problems, contact the Location Department at 718-349-2054 and definitely let us know if you catch a glimpse of Tom Selleck or Donny Wahlberg.

Then on Wednesday, the NBC show The Blacklist is filming along Church Avenue all day. So make sure to move your cars by 10pm on Tuesday night.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Locations Department at 646-561-0490. We are personally hoping to catch James Spader hanging around.

And, as always, if you spot any signs for filming around the neighborhood, let us know! Email us a photo of the filming sign and where you saw it to, and we’ll post it to the blog.