Watch Crabs Awash With IWASH

Beachcombers who like to take an evening sandy stroll are invited to look for Horseshoe crabs spawning on our shores.
You can volunteer as little as two hours of your time, starting May 22 (that’s this Friday!) and your research will help our environment. You can go to the movies and see them play-mating on the silver screen or you head out to the beach and watch some real live action in the name of science. Except in this case, you will have to record your observations on a form.
The Sheepshead Bay/Plumb Beach Civic Association informed us about this program. Here is information from the NYC Audubon – IWASH site about organizations credited for the program’s development:
IWASH, which stands for Improving Wetland Accessibility for Shorebirds and Horseshoe crabs. IWASH is a large project involving multiple partners (including the American Littoral Society, Jamaica Bay EcoWatchers, NYC Department of Parks and Recreation, NYC Department of Environmental Protection, NY State Department of Environmental Conservation and the National Park Service) that is funded by a Together Green Innovation Grant from National Audubon and Toyota.
Who to contact:
Use the “Contact Us” page on the SB/PBCA website
send e-mail to John Rowden at NYC Audubon.
New researchers, just getting their feet wet, might find useful information about Horseshoe Crabs at the following:
Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce
The Ecological Research & Development Group (ERDG)
(Photo courtesy of ERDG website and Frans Lanting)