What Do You Want The New Food Co-op To Offer? Let Them Know This Monday, February 9.

After that pesky Winter Storm Juno canceled the Windsor Terrace Food Co-op meeting scheduled for Monday, February 2, the first all-members gathering will now be held on Monday, February 9 at 7pm.

The meeting, which is also open to non-members, will be located at Holy Name Parish Hall at 245 Prospect Park West.

During the first all-members gathering, neighbors will discuss what they’d like the Windsor Terrace Food Co-op to offer when it opens at 825 Caton Avenue on March 21, as well as what days they would like it to operate.

For more information about the incoming shop, you can visit the co-op’s website. Or, if you have questions about becoming a member – or the co-op in general, you can send an email to windsorterracefoodcoop@gmail.com.