Vote Today To Help Brooklyn ARTery Win A $100K Grant

After two and a half years in operation, the owners of Brooklyn ARTery (1021 Cortelyou Road, by Coney Island Avenue) are ready to scale up — and they’re hoping neighbors will lend a click of their mouse to help them do so.

Owners Susan Siegel and Jocelyn Lucas could land a $100,000 Mission Main Street Grant from Chase Bank, as long as they receive at least 250 votes on this website before June 19. If they receive at least 250 votes, they’ll be eligible for the grant, which will be awarded to 20 small businesses across the United States following a panel review process.

We asked Susan and Jocelyn what they hope to do with the grant money, and they wrote to us:

The ARTery will use the 100K to support more local entrepreneurs to sell their work and teach their craft, for inventory, for salaries for staff, to maximize our e-commerce site, pay teachers who are now working for tips, produce more public arts activities, and assist with build out in a new location in a higher density pedestrian area.

As for the new location, the ARTery’s owners told us they definitely plan to stay on Cortelyou, but they said there’s not enough foot traffic for them to survive there. They haven’t yet decided on their next location but are hoping to go somewhere with many a passerby.

To help the Brooklyn ARTery receive their grant, you can go here to vote. If you have other questions, you can reach the ARTery by calling 347-425-7770 — or, of course drop by the shop and chat with all the lovely folks there in person!