Volunteer in Prospect Park This Sunday

Dreamed of being a crossing guard? Here’s your chance. Brooklyn Spoke just announced that the Prospect Park Alliance is recruiting bike enthusiasts and would-be traffic cops to help educate folks on the new Prospect Park loop design. On the upside, you’ll get to show off the new pedestrian-activated cross buttons, which should delight a lot of toddlers. On the downside, it sounds like the gig has its share of schoolmarm-ish components. From the PPA:

The Prospect Park Alliance is seeking volunteers this Sunday, July 22nd from 10am – 12pm to stand at key traffic lights around the Park Drive and inform pedestrians to push the newly installed pedestrian activated button to cross, while also letting cyclists know that they need to “stop on red” after a pedestrian has pushed the button.
As of now, we hope to have volunteers at the following traffic lights in the Park:
– 3rd street
– 9th street
– 13th street
– Vanderbilt Playground
– Grecian Shelter
– Parkside/Ocean Avenue
– Lincoln Road
Volunteers should plan to meet in front of the Litchfield Villa at 10am on Sunday, July 22nd.  Contact Eric Landau at elandau (at) prospectpark.org if you have questions.