Video: Watch This Drunk Guy Try And Break Into A Home On 85th Street Before Getting Busted By The Cops

Usually, when I have too much to drink, I get sleepy and it’s lights out. Or maybe I get hungry and eat too much pizza – and then it’s lights out.

But this guy; this guy knows how to live it up.

He gets drunk, stumbles onto a random porch, tosses around some furniture and other stuff, and begins kicking at some welded-on wrought iron window bars, and takes a shot at getting into the house.

When he realizes there’s a security camera, does he give up and go home? Nope. He mills about for a while, stares into it a bit, then rips it off the wall before continuing on his fruitless rampage.

Unfortunately for him, the residents were home asleep – until the commotion woke them up.

“I  heard some banging but I thought it was my next door neighbors,” reader Howie W. told Bensonhurst Bean. “I realized something is definitely wrong with the consistency or pattern. I pulled up my security camera on my phone and saw someone trying to kick in my window and trying to pull my gate off the windows that i welded in place.”

Howie, who lives on 85th Street off Bay Parkway, called 911 and officers from the 62nd Precinct arrived within minutes. They cuffed the man and told Howie they intended to charge him with attempted burlary, criminal mischief, menacing, harassment and criminal trespass.

That ought to sober him up.

As for the lasting damage from the late Sunday night siege, Howie said the man broke the camera and the gate, and the bricks around the window were loosened.

As a disclaimer, we should note that we’re just assuming he’s drunk from his stumbling around and his general dumbass-ness.