Floyd Bennett Campgrounds Reopen, And Other Post-Sandy Developments At Gateway

The Gateway National Recreation Area announced the state of their recovery following the destruction left by Superstorm Sandy late last October.
Many parks have already re-opened for the summer season, including the campgrounds at Floyd Bennett Field, which opened March 1, while even more are slated for spring openings. Here is a rundown of what’s open and what’s set to open, courtesy of the Gateway National Recreation Area’s release:
The following areas of the park are already open to the public; Fort Wadsworth, Great Kills Park (with the exception of Crooke’s Point), the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, Floyd Bennett Field, Frank Charles Park and Hamilton Beach. The park is pleased to be able to announce more opening dates.
… To make a reservation at any of our camp sites please visit www.recreation.gov. Some fishing areas are already open, others, such as Crooke’s Point will open soon. Unfortunately some fishing areas won’t be open this year due to safety issues. 2012 fishing permits will be honored through March 31st, and 2013 permits will be available after March 15th. Most guarded beach areas will open as normal for the summer season, Memorial Day Weekend.
Riis Park will open Memorial Day weekend (May 25-27, 2013). Fort Tilden Beach will be closed this summer due to safety concerns, but the facilities in Fort Tilden, including the Rockaway Little League, will be open for the summer. The Breezy Point Tip access road remains closed until it can be regraded. Canarsie Pier remains closed until an engineering study can be done.