Tuesday: St. Finbar Parish Mass To Feature Padre Pio’s Glove, Historical Relic Used By Saint To Cover Stigmata Wounds

St. Finbar Parish (138 Bay 20th Street) will celebrate an extra special mass tomorrow, featuring the glove used by the beloved Padre Pio, a humble priest who entered sainthood after experiencing stigmata. The glove was used to cover his wounds, which remained with him for half a century.
After the mass, the glove will be made available for the public to touch.
Padre Pio was an Italian priest (whose father raised money for him to enter into seminary by moving to New York City) at the Capuchin Monastery at Morcone. In 1918, at age 31, Pio collapsed in the chapel, bleeding from five wounds in hands, feet and sides. After years of medical investigations, it was declared a miraculous stigmata.
He was also believed to have the rare gift of bilocation, meaning he could make his presence felt even when he wasn’t there, as well as mind reading and curing the ill and injured.
He passed away in 1968, and his funeral was attended by more than 100,000 people. Pope John Paul II canonized Padre Pio in 2002.
Check out this excellent article for more about Padre Pio.
For information about the mass, call (718) 236-3312.