Trump Village, Warbasse Towers Voters Hit Polls

It’s a tough choice for voters along the Brighton Beach – Coney Island border. Even this squirrel, stationed outside of the Warbasse Towers voting site, seemed deep in thought, weighing the candidates’ individual merits.

Still, voters are hitting the polls at Warbasse Towers and Trump Village, and at least one said that her search for a candidate focused on storm preparation has left her indecisive.

“We’re worried about another storm. That’s very important to us,” said Allison C., a 12-year resident of Trump Village. She said the candidates in the 48th District Democratic primary have not done enough to convey a plan for the next disasters. “They [didn’t] say it was a priority. Just that they want you to vote for them.”

Regardless of how she feels about the race, she felt it was important to cast a ballot.

“I feel like women fought so long for the vote that, as a woman, you have to vote,” she said. “You can’t just talk the talk, you have to walk the walk.”

What’s driving you to vote today?

Polls are open until 9:00 p.m. tonight. You can find your polling site here.

This post is published in partnership with B Civil, Brooklyn Independent Television’s online political portal. BIT producer Natasha Gaspard will be sending on-the-ground updates to us throughout the day from various polling sites in an effort to keep readers informed of polling conditions, and remind them to vote.