Photo: Travel Back In Time And Witness The Verrazano Bridge Getting Built

Lately we’ve been featuring some stunning photography of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, but the one we stumbled across today might be my favorite thus far.
Cheetahlip posted this shot of the bridge on the social media sharing site Reddit and it has garnered a great deal of awe and appreciation.
Taken on December 4, 1963, the picture shows the bridge being built in the halcyon days when ambitious infrastructure projects dazzled New Yorkers on a yearly basis, and people didn’t mind having engineering feats described to them by dreamy eye-talian disco dancers.
Interestingly, the majority of the reader comments on the picture come from people lamenting the Verrazano toll hike that goes into effect on March 3. High tolls aside, it’s still nice to have a massive architectural wonder connecting New York’s greatest islands.