Traffic Light Coming to Ditmas and Westminster Intersection

2013 is already shaping up to be the Year of the Traffic Lights in Ditmas Park. Just after new ones were installed at the intersection of Cortelyou and Westminster Roads, we noticed these markings at the intersection of Ditmas Ave and Westminster, which look very similar to the ones that preceded the Cortelyou installation.

Community Board 14 confirms that the intersection will be getting a traffic light, and that it will be installed by February 28.

This intersection did not get as much attention as the Cortelyou/Westminster and Cortelyou/Stratford at a traffic calming meeting with the DOT and Councilmember Mathieu Eugene last fall, though it was one of a few others that people mentioned as needing improvements.

Trying to pass through while driving or biking on Westminster can be tricky, and even trickier for pedestrians trying to cross there, so we think this could be a big improvement. What do you think? And are there any other intersections in the neighborhood you think could use some help?