Be Proud Foundation Organizes Toys For Tots Drive

Tzar Restaurant is celebrating its fifth birthday and, to help commemorate, in conjunction with the 41st Assembly District Democrats Club, they will be holding their “Toys for Tots” drive at 6:00 p.m., December 12 at Tzar, 2007 Emmons Avenue.
While the event is billed as being “in the Russian-speaking community,” monetary donations and new toys will be distributed as holiday gifts to all needy children. According to Tzar, “Bringing joy and happiness to the deprived kids is the best present.”
You can either donate a new, unwrapped toy, or you can make a check payable to the “Community First Toy Drive” in the amount of $25 minimum to send a message of hope to kids whose families may be struggling to make ends meet during this time of economic uncertainty. All donations for “Toys for Tots” are tax-deductible.
Food will be provided. You must RSVP prior to December 9 by calling Sam Khalitov at (862) 242-6678 or Raisa Chernina at (347) 613-5332.