1 min read

Tonight’s Windsor Terrace Food Co-op Meeting Postponed

Tonight’s Windsor Terrace Food Co-op Meeting Postponed
825 Caton Avenue Windsor Terrace Food Coop

Man, the weather is determined to make us wait to learn more about the Windsor Terrace Food Co-op!

The first all-members meeting of the co-op that was scheduled for tonight, Monday, February 9, has been postponed because of yet another storm making for slick roads in our area.

During the first all-members gathering (which will also be open to non-members), neighbors will discuss what they’d like the Windsor Terrace Food Co-op to offer when it opens at 825 Caton Avenue on March 21, as well as what days they would like it to operate.

For more information about the incoming shop, you can visit the co-op’s website. Or, if you have questions about becoming a member – or the co-op in general, you can send an email to windsorterracefoodcoop@gmail.com.