Tonight: Congressman Weiner Health Care Town Hall
As one of its key proponents, Congressman Anthony Weiner has been all tied up since the health care vote passed in March. He’s been doing a lot of bouncing around, speaking to reporters, constituents and community groups; he’s established himself as the face of national health reform.
If you haven’t yet had the chance to hear the congressman speak, he’s hitting the ‘hood again tonight to discuss the effects of the bill, and battle a lot of the misinformation surrounding it. In our neighborhood, Weiner made few friends with his support for the bill; those against reform criticize any role in passing the bill, while those for reform are angered by the many compromises it represents.
No matter which camp you sit in (or if you’re in the middle), it’s not too late to have your say or pick the congressman’s mind. He’ll be at Kingsborough Community College in the faculty dining room at 6:00 p.m. He’ll speak briefly before opening up the discussion for questions.