Tomorrow: Public Forum On Sandy Recovery At Kings Bay Y

The Kings Bay YM-YWHA will be hosting a public forum on Superstorm Sandy recovery tomorrow, June 17 at the Y, 3495 Nostrand Avenue. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the forum starts promptly at 6:00 p.m.
City Councilman Mark Treyger will speak about his efforts on the Recovery & Resiliency Committee, and attendees will also hear from other areas of planning and recovery such as Sheepshead Bay / Gerritsen Beach NY Rising plans.
There will also be time to speak directly to Build it Back case managers and specialists to learn updates on the progress of your own application.
To learn more, contact Empower Sheepshead RC Program Coordinator Vadim Shiglik at (718) 648-7703 extension 260 or