Tomorrow Night: “Stand Against Drugs” Town Hall At Kings Bay Y

The Kings Bay Y and Dynamic Youth Community are inviting the community to attend a “Stand Against Drugs” town hall meeting tomorrow evening, January 22, 7:00pm at the Kings Bay Y, 3495 Nostrand Avenue. Doors open at 6:30pm.
Part of an initiative that has been funded by Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz, chairman of the Assembly’s Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Committee, “Stand Against Drugs” has been created in order to combat the prescription pill and heroin epidemic in southern Brooklyn.
The goal of this forum is to bring the southern Brooklyn community together in order to help raise awareness and educate one another about the potentially deadly effects of prescription pills and heroin, as well as to share what measures are being taken to resolve this issue on local and statewide levels.
The panel will include parents of young adults in recovery, an attorney, and a representative from the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (NYS OASAS).