Tomorrow, May 15: Take A Free Tour Of The Flatbush Gardener’s Green Oasis

Tomorrow, May 15, from 1-3pm, you’ll get a chance to explore neighbor Chris Kreussling’s (aka the Flatbush Gardener) incredible home garden as part of the New York City Wildflower Week.
The tour, which will be at Chris’ home at Stratford Road and Matthews Court, is free and open to the public. For two hours, you’ll be able to see how, since 2005, Chris has transformed a dusty, weedy backyard and conventional lawn into a garden oasis that boasts more than 80 species of plants native to New York City — and many more that are native to New York state and the general northeast.
Plus, Chris has documented scores of native insects that make use of these plants throughout the year, and some that make there homes there as well.
Our neighbor’s garden is registered as a Backyard Wildlife Habitat with the National Wildlife Federation, and Pollinator Habitat with the Xerces Society.
You can see more about his garden on his blog, the Flatbush Gardener, and you can learn more about Chris and his outdoor oasis from this recent presentation he gave at the Long Island Botanical Society.
To find out more about the free events happening during the New York City Wildflower Week, go here.