Tomorrow: Annual “Breakfast With Santa” Fundraiser At New Utrecht Reformed Church

Source: Marius Boeriu / / Flickr

Boy Scout Troop 20 – Cub Scout Pack 20 invites families to attend its annual Breakfast with Santa fundraiser tomorrow, December 7, 11:00 a.m. at the New Utrecht Reformed Church, 18th Avenue and 84th Street.

A French toast breakfast with sausage, juice and fresh fruit will be served and every child will have an opportunity to have their picture taken as they sit with Santa Claus and receive a gift. There will also be crafts, face painting and lots of activities.

Tickets are $10 for adults and $15 for children. The price includes the color photo with Santa and the free gift.

For tickets, contact Cubmaster Elaine Delaney at (917) 715-2548 or Scoutmaster Frank Maddalena at (917) 605-8334.