A Place To Park (Your Bike) on Sheepshead Bay Rd

The city has installed bike racks on Sheepshead Bay Road and it looks like bicyclists are glad to see them. Of the eight bike racks now in place on one side of Sheepshead Bay Road, two of them had bikes locked on them and it was raining at the time. When the weather is good, they will all probably be in use and bicyclists will have to figure out how to get more than one bike on the rack.

One business owner said that he wasn’t too happy to see these metal racks go up in front of his store, because it inhibits people from opening their car doors. On the other hand, workers at the Munchinette (1738 Sheepshead Bay Rd) and Edible Arrangements (1736 Sheepshead Bay Rd) said that the bicycle racks are very useful and do not pose a problem, since parking is generally prohibited on the street, anyway.

For Transportation Alternative-minded people, who would like to see a rack or two installed on your block, why not use the New York City Department of Transportation’s Suggestion Form to let them know?

The Gothamist reports that the city mapping tool lists locations of 97% of the bike racks around the City. These may be a little too new, because they’re not on the map.

Now that the City is acknowledging bicyclists in Sheepshead Bay, it won’t be long before pedalers who ride on the sidewalk (like the guy in the picture above), start getting tickets. So, as soon as you unlock your bike, before you put the pedal to the metal (so to speak) — make sure to get off of the sidewalk.

You can check the NYCDOT’s website for the NYC Rules and Regulations regarding bicyclists and bike safety.