Historic Church Hosts Saturday Flea Market

For those of you who like to hit the flea markets on Saturday mornings, take a walk out to Sheepshead Bay.

The weather forecast says there is a chance of showers. But you never know how those things work out, so there might be some surprise sun shining through. Even if it’s pouring, though, you’ll still find some great finds indoors at the Saturday Flea Market at the United Methodist Church of Sheepshead Bay.

The flea market coordinator, Jim, said,

This year, we’re also having the flea market indoors, inside the church. So, now, we have it inside and outside. If it rains, the vendors inside will still be there, selling their antiques, but the outside vendors usually pack up.

WallyG says, “The United Methodist Church of Sheepshead Bay, at 3087 Ocean Avenue, is the oldest church building in Sheepshead Bay, dating to 1869.” So, while you’re there shopping for whatever little knick knack you’re in need of, you can take in a bit of Sheepshead Bay architecture.

The flea market sale is held every Saturday, in good weather, generally from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Vendors have a range of goods from handbags, watches, household decorations, and toys to unique little treasures. There were even some World War II memorabilia piquing browsers’ curiosity.

The organizers of the event welcome new vendors, as well as shoppers. So, if you are on your way to an afternoon of strolling the bay, you can get your white elephant find at Sheepshead Bay’s white elephant church yard.

Here are the details:
United Methodist Church of Sheepshead Bay Flea Market & Yard Sale
3087 Ocean Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11235
Saturdays, weather permitting, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
If you’re interested in being a vendor, you can ask for Jim.