tinyDANGEROUSfun at Sycamore on Tomorrow

The last Tuesday of every month means that tinyDANEROUSfun is coming into the basement of Sycamore once more. Expect variety, burlesque, performance-art, clowns, music, poetry, drag, magic and a little entertaining stupidity at the High Risk Variety Show TOMORROW, Tuesday, August 28 at 8pm. Special guest hosts Audrey Crabtree and Will Shaw will emcee the event.

Tomorrow’s show will include:

Yorkville Theatre, clown
Tyler Two-Timer, drag music
Mike Feux, stand up
Glen Raphael sings funny songs
Mr. Naturally Amazing Vibes (aka NAV)  , poetry
Noodle and Trombone Guy, music

If you’d like to perform in a future show, sign-up is here.

Photo by Jim Moore of Vaud Visuals.