Time For Tatsoi From The PS 295 Farmers Market

Do you know the wonders of tatsoi? If you’re not familiar with the mustardy, leafy green, you can pick some up on Thursday from the PS 295 Farmers Market, and give it a try at home!

It’s back this week for the first time this season, and it’s good in salads, sautéed, or anywhere you might use bok choy.

The market, run by the teachers, parents, and students of PS 295, was launched in 2013 and offers a vast array of produce grown in the school’s garden, but also features fruit and veg from Hector Perez of Jersey Farms, and fresh meats, dairy, honey, and more from the Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative.

In addition to tatsoi, strawberries and spring onions make another appearance, and the school’s garden is yielding some garlic scapes (though get there early if you’d like to grab a few). You can find a full list of available goodies below:

Lacinato kale
Curly kale
Red russian kale
Strawberries (last of the season)
Spring onions (red and white)
Lettuce (mixed varieties)
Mustard greens
Basil plants (for the garden)
Apple cider
Cheese (cheddar)
Chicken thighs
Dried apples
Ground beef
Maple syrup
Lemon yogurt and vanilla yogurt
Monterey jack cheese
Chocolate chili muffins
Apple cranberry ginger muffins
Angel food cake

Oh but wait, there’s more! Look for these straight-from-the-school’s-garden options:

Lemon balm
Various types of mint
Red romaine lettuce
Garlic scapes (just a few)
Swiss chard