Thousands Still Need Help: Here’s How to Pitch in Monday

With people making the subway commute from Brooklyn to Manhattan this morning, it appears that life is inching toward normal again…unless, of course, you’re a resident of Red Hook, Coney Island, Staten Island or a number of other area communities devastated one week ago today by Sandy.

We need to remember those in need as we return to our daily lives and continue participating in the amazing recovery efforts seen around the city this weekend. We’ve put together an updated list of ways to help for Monday, November 5. If there is anything we’ve missed, be sure to let us know and we’ll update the post.

  • Red Hook Initiative is organizing volunteers for cleanup, food delivery and canvasing at 402 Van Brunt from 10am-5pm. Bring cleaning supplies and power tools.
  • Legal services will be on Columbia and Bay Street in Red Hook to help with FEMA applications starting at 11am.
  • If interested in bringing hot, prepared meals to Red Hook, email Lunch is served at noon and dinner at 6pm.
  • Red Hook is in need of utensils, napkins, cups and serving bowls at 767 Hicks Street
  • Red Hook Initiative is also in need of  nurses, Chinese and Spanish translators
  • Supplies needed at South Brooklyn High School, 173 Conover Street. Bring EVERYTHING but clothes.
  • Congregation Beth Elohim needs asprin, advil, tylenol, water, bread, blankets and band-aids for Sea Gate.
  • The Armory needs sweatpants in sizes L, XL and XXL
  • Coney Island needs some love. No reservation required to help. Dress warmly, wear some work gloves and show up to one of the below sites to see what needs to be done. If you can, bring your own flashlight (with extra batteries), a backpack, a shovel, outdoor broom, contractor bags and snacks/water for yourself for the day. FEMA Distribution Site/Donation site at MCU Park parking lot on Surf Ave. & West 16th St, National Guard Distribution Site at West 25th Street and Surf Avenue, Coney Island Generation Gap Distribution/Donation Site largely for Seniors & families 2904 Neptune Ave, Seagate entrance at West 37th Street and Surf Avenue. If you can, bring your own flashlight (with extra batteries), a backpack, a shovel, outdoor broom, contractor bags and snacks/water for yourself for the day.
  • Coney Island donation requests for today are blankes, gloves, socks and hats, toilet paper, baby supplies, individually wrapped sandwiches, cannded foods and cleaning supplies
  • ROCKAWAY BEACH SURF CLUB: Volunteers can help clean and fix houses in groups to nearby addresses or help at the site. Dress for heavy duty cleaning, boots etc and dress warm, bring work gloves, maybe mask. If donating they could.use batteries, flashlights, cleaning supplies, gloves, masks, bleach, heavy duty garbage bags, votive candles, lights or lanterns, gas, generators
  • Mary’s Bar is collecting the following items for distribution: Candles, flashlights, batteries, non perishable food, water, pet food, jackets, towels, baby items, cleaning supplies, toiletries
  • All of the Owl Farm‘s tips after 8pm tonight will be donated to the Red Hook Initiative

Again, let us know of any additional events, collection sites or volunteer opportunities and we’ll e sure to add them to the list.

Image via Coney Island