The Week on the Stoop

Beer Table wants you to want them (to get a beer bike).
We got kicks, we got our cuts: Area Kids’ latest outpost opened on 5th.
Biking on 15th St is about to get a whole lot better.
Banjo the dog fought cancer with cuteness
A lot of people had a lot of feelings about awnings.
Baptist missionaries tried to spread the word, and the parents of P.S. 282 weren’t happy about it.
“Louie” premiered and maybe Park Slope was in it.
We all drank a lot of iced coffee.
Xanadu: it’s coming.
The Polyphony Youth Orchestra brought Middle Eastern harmony to Beth Elohim.
T.T. the cat needed a home.
We worried about lead paint.
South Slope got a beer garden and the B61 got BusTime.
But how will we watch the fireworks, we wondered.