This Week in Ditmas Park

Newkirk mosaic by brooklynwonder on Instagram.
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In case you missed anything this week, here’s a recap:
• Attempted crimes, a number of daylight burglaries, and the 70th Precinct report.
• Tell CM Eugene you want that new traffic light on Cortelyou and a safer CIA.
• The NYPD Chief’s car was in an accident at an intersection the DOT says doesn’t need an all-way stop.
• A guide to bowling in southern Brooklyn.
• Has anyone spotted Tina Fey or Paul Rudd in the neighborhood?
• Composting is easy, says Tracey and Amber.
• Congresswoman Clarke won the primary, and if none of you are surprised, none are too pleased, either.
• Air conditioning installation advice needed!
• New trees on CIA are looking sad. Here’s how to help them.
• A new mural has brightened the Newkirk Plaza passageway.
• Nobody seems to know how this tree plaque ended up on Dorchester.
• We love Pawsitive’s resident cat Dublin and his Facebook page.
• Finally, Lolita Lens wonders about street art–or is it graffiti?