This Saturday, Attend A Talk On Green-Wood Cemetery Designer David Bates Douglass

As Calvert Vaux and Frederick Law Olmstead are to Prospect Park, David Bates Douglass is to Green-Wood Cemetery–a visionary who saw his designs down to the last detail and ultimately enhanced the lives of the people of New York City.

Neighbors are invited this Saturday, April 19, to experience Douglass’ 1838 marvel with a talk by Green-Wood Superintendent of Grounds Art Presson at the cemetery’s Historic Chapel.

The trolley ride scheduled to follow the tour has already sold out–but historians, gardeners, and other interested parties are encouraged to attend the 1pm talk, explore the 478 acres of splendor themselves, and make sure to catch a ride at a later date.

Seating for the talk is limited. For more information, check out the Green-Wood Cemetery website.