Things To Do This Weekend: BAM Senior Cinema, Teen Poetry Slam, Sidewalk Book Sale, And Anti-Lynching Plays

Below you’ll find information on events through the weekend in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill this weekend. Check back Monday to see what’s scheduled next week!
BAM Senior Cinema: “A Star Is Born”
When: Friday, May 15 from 10am-12pm
Where: BAM Harvey Theater at 651 Fulton Street
What: Senior Cinema offers seniors 65 and older free admission to repertory classics, with complimentary popcorn and soda. RSVP required. Seating is limited and available on a first-come, first-seated basis. Wheelchair accessible and offer infrared systems for people who are hard of hearing upon requests. For reservations, call 718.636.4122.
How much: FREE
Toddler Time
When: Friday, May 15 at 10am
Where: Clinton Hill Library at 380 Washington Avenue
What: Come hear stories, sing songs, play with toys, and meet new friends! For toddlers (aged 18-36 months) and their care-givers.
“Unwrapped: Revelations Through Art”
When: Friday, May 15 from 11am-6pm
Where: Brooklyn Museum at 200 Eastern Parkway
What: Explore art created through a dynamic partnership between the ICL and the Brooklyn Museum. In the exhibition Unwrapped, each artist has intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and is a resident with ICL, a not-for-profit agency that provides counseling, rehabilitation, housing, and other support services for around 10,000 adults and children with serious mental illness, substance abuse, or intellectual disabilities in New York City.
How much: Free with museum admission
Singalong with Jarrod
When: Friday, May 15 at 2:30pm
Where: Greenlight Bookstore at 686 Fulton Street
What: Greenlight is delighted to offer a singalong/story time event on the third Friday of each month for babies and toddlers! Join us in the kids section for favorite songs and stories for the littlest booklovers, led by Greenlight bookseller Jarrod and his trusty guitar. Ages 6 weeks to 3 years.
Teen Poetry Slam
When: Friday, May 15 at 3pm
Where: Clinton Hill Library at 380 Washington Avenue
What: Are you creative? Are you outgoing? Are you a smooth talker? Come dazzle your friends with your skill with words at our Teen Poetry Slam.
Kids Create: Fingerprint Art
When: Friday, May 15 at 4pm
Where: Clinton Hill Library at 380 Washington Avenue
What: An easy and fun craft for kids of any age.

Line Dancing
When: Friday, May 15 from 7-8pm
Where: Ingersoll Community Center at 177 Myrtle Avenue
What: Free Shape Up NYC Classes are for all! No registration or prior experience necessary.
Comedy Show
When: Friday, May 15 at 8pm
Where: Five Spot Soul Food at 459 Myrtle Avenue
What: Free comedy show every Friday night. Hosted by Pee Wee Dee.
How much: No cover
Karaoke Night
When: Friday, May 15 from 8pm-12am
Where: SIP Bar at 14 Putnam Avenue
What: Every Friday night. Hosted by Kings of Karaoke.
How much: Free
Installation NYC Market Pop-Up Tour
When: Friday, May 15 from 8pm-2am
Where: Leisure Life at 559 Myrtle Avenue
What: A lifestyle showcase featuring a select number of burgeoning designers and vendors including René Mantilla who is best known for his broad rimmed hat featured in Pharrell’s Happy Video and Madame Q of LIVID Magazine. Additionally, shoppers will have access to Leisure Life’s private label (made in the US), a number of rare and exclusive vintage pieces, and its “re-formated” vintage goods that showcase a modern twist on nostalgic pieces. This exciting partnership will also feature a collaborative t-shirt with artwork by reputable graphic designer Vernando Reuben.
How much: RSVP to
BAMcafé Live: Ayelet Rose Gottlieb
When: Friday, May 15 at 9pm
Where: BAM Peter Jay Sharp Building at 30 Lafayette Avenue
What: Israeli-born musician Ayelet Rose Gottlieb draws on jazz, Middle-Eastern, and Jewish musical influences to forge an exhilaratingly eclectic sound. At once cutting-edge and rooted in tradition, her vibrant compositions are shape-shifting mélanges of textures and rhythms. A frequent collaborator of forward-thinking artists like John Zorn, pianist Anat Fort, and the ETHEL string quartet, Gottlieb performs both original works and covers that she reimagines via her one-of-a-kind sensibility.
Fort Greene Park Greenmarket
When: Saturday, May 16 from 8am-4pm
Where: Washington Park between DeKalb and Willoughby Avenues
What: Weekly farmers market with live music and family-friendly activities.
Shape Up! Stretching (Essentrics)
When: Saturday, May 16 at 10-11am
Where: Clinton Hill Library at 380 Washington Avenue
What: Our popular NYC Parks Department “Shape Up! program returns with a new local volunteer instructor and an emphasis on stretching (Essentrics). No registration is needed.
Fundamentals of Tai Chi
When: Saturday, May 16 from 10-11am
Where: Ingersoll Community Center at 177 Myrtle Avenue
What: Free class. No registration or experience necessary.
Spring Sidewalk Book Sale
When: Saturday, May 16 from 10am-5pm
Where: Greenlight Bookstore at 686 Fulton Street
What: Spring is here, and it’s time for a sidewalk sale! Stroll over to Greenlight any time this Saturday to peruse our outdoor tables and carts, where you’ll find a wealth of slightly shelf-worn books at deep discounts. Discover treasures just right for summer reading or stocking your library. Enjoy the warmer weather with some great book deals!
Brooklyn Flea Fort Greene
When: From 10am-5pm (every Saturday through November)
Where: Bishop Laughlin Memorial HS schoolyard at 176 Lafayette Avenue (between Clermont and Vanderbilt)
What: 150 shopping and food vendors every Saturday from April through November.
ShapeUp NYC Low-Impact Aerobics Class
When: Saturday, May 16 at 11am
Where: Bedford Library at 496 Franklin Avenue
What: Free class.
Storytime: Mallory Kasdan and Marcos Chin present “Ella”
When: Saturday, May 16 at 11am
Where: Greenlight Bookstore at 686 Fulton Street
What: Ella lives in a boutique hotel. She has a nanny called Manny. He has tattoos for sleeves and he might go in with some guys to buy a grilled cheese truck. She weaves purses out of Ziploc bags and reclaimed twine. She has a dog named Stacie and a fish named Rasta. For fans of Kay Thompson’s Eloise (celebrating its 60th birthday this year) comesElla, a brilliant parody updated for the tiny hipsters of Brooklyn, and beyond. Author Mallory Kasdan and illustrator Marcos Chin, both based in Brooklyn, present their adorably irreverent heroine with a reading and activity at Greenlight. Ages 3 to 8.

Performance: “Assembly Required”
When: Saturday, May 16 from 11am-5pm
Where: Brooklyn Museum at 200 Eastern Parkway
What: Students from Brooklyn College’s Performance and Interactive Media Arts (PIMA) graduate program combine live performance, technology, and interactivity in response to the Museum environment.
How much: Free with admission
ShapeUp NYC Aerobics Class
When: Saturday, May 16 at 12pm
Where: Bedford Library at 496 Franklin Avenue
What: Free class.
Parent-Tween Book Discussion Group
When: Saturday, May 16 at 12pm
Where: Clinton Hill Library at 380 Washington Avenue
What: Connect with your family, meet new friends, and discuss great reads! We will meet once a month to discuss a children’s book selected by majority vote of the group. For parents and kids 8-12.
Brooklyn Pop-Up Market
When: Saturday, May 16 from 12-7pm
Where: Trilok Fusion Arts at 143 Waverly Avenue
What: Find details about each week at:
ASK Brooklyn Museum
When: Saturday, May 16 from 2-5pm
Where: Brooklyn Museum at 200 Eastern Parkway
What: Drop in and get a sneak peek at our new iPhone app, currently in development. You can connect with a specialist to ask questions and share your thoughts about art on view, and tell us about your experience using the app. All you need is an iPhone (or a friend with one) and your curiosity!
BAMcafé Live: Gifrants and SEGWE
When: Saturday, May 16 at 9pm
Where: BAM Peter Jay Sharp Building at 30 Lafayette Avenue
What: For over thirty years, Boston-based singer and guitarist Gifrants has been combining the intoxicating sounds of his native Haiti with thrilling dashes of jazz and pan-Caribbean music. The resulting compositions set soothing melodies to seductive rhythms. For this performance, Gifrants is accompanied by his backing band SEGWE, comprised of some of Boston’s leading jazz luminaries.
How much: Free
Arty Facts: “En Plein Air”
When: Sunday, May 17 at 11am & 1:30pm
Where: Brooklyn Museum at 200 Eastern Parkway
What: En Plein Air is a French expression meaning “in the open air.” As the spring air warms and summer nears, create art inspired by nature. Each Sunday’s program is a variation on the monthly theme. Visit theArty Facts page for details.
How much: Free with admission
Symposium: Revising Revisionism
When: Sunday, May 17 from 11am-6pm
Where: Brooklyn Museum at 200 Eastern Parkway
What: “Revising Revisionism” examines the intersection of biography, art history, historiography, and feminism—fields that align and diverge—by bringing together practitioners from different disciplines. Generating connections and new avenues for research, this series of panels analyzes methods of collecting, maintaining, and distributing information about women’s lives across multiple platforms, from the oral to the digital. Full schedule here.
How much: Free with admission; RSVP required
“Unwrapped: Revelations Through Art”
When: Sunday, May 17 from 11am-6pm
Where: Brooklyn Museum at 200 Eastern Parkway
What: Explore art created through a dynamic partnership between the ICL and the Brooklyn Museum. In the exhibition Unwrapped, each artist has intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and is a resident with ICL, a not-for-profit agency that provides counseling, rehabilitation, housing, and other support services for around 10,000 adults and children with serious mental illness, substance abuse, or intellectual disabilities in New York City.
How much: Free with museum admission
Performance: “Blue-eyed Black Boy”
When: Sunday, May 17 at 12:30pm
Where: Church of St. Luke and St. Matthew at 520 Clinton Avenue
What: In Georgia Douglas Johnson’s 15-minute play, Blue-Eyed Black Boy (1930), a black mother attempts to avert the lynching of her son by revealing to a lynch mob that her son was the product of rape by the white governor. The play thrusts the issue of the sexual exploitation of the black woman into public discussion.Lunch will follow the discussion and a concert by the Cancel Choir will end the day at 4pm. The play and discussion are free and open to the public.
How much: $20 tickets are available at the door
ASK Brooklyn Museum
When: Sunday, May 17 from 2-5pm
Where: Brooklyn Museum at 200 Eastern Parkway
What: Drop in and get a sneak peek at our new iPhone app, currently in development. You can connect with a specialist to ask questions and share your thoughts about art on view, and tell us about your experience using the app. All you need is an iPhone (or a friend with one) and your curiosity!
Gallery Tour: “Creation Myths from Around The World”
When: Sunday, May 17 at 4pm
Where: Brooklyn Museum, Rubin Lobby, at 200 Eastern Parkway
What: Join a Museum Guide for a free tour about creation myths from around the world.
How much: Free with museum admission
Peck’s BOOK/PLATE Reading/Dinner: Jim Shepard
When: Sunday, May 17 at 6pm
Where: Peck’s Homemade at 455A Myrtle Avenue
What: Shepard reads from his novel, “The Book of Aron,” over a dinner inspired by the Eastern European Jewish Diaspora.
How much: $55 (includes book, meal, and cocktail) at
Colloquy Collective: Strange Fruit
When: Sunday, May 17 at 7pm
Where: JACK at 505 1/2 Waverly Avenue
What: The harrowing play, Safe (1929), by Georgia Douglas Johnson, depicts Liza, a pregnant mother, going into labor. After news of the lynching of an innocent black boy in town, Liza falls into a panicking state while her baby is born, and after learning that her baby is a boy, does the unthinkable. The reading will be followed by a discussion with Prof. Koritha Mitchell (Ohio State University), an expert on anti-lynching plays and author of the book Living with Lynching: African American Lynching Plays, Performance, and Citizenship, 1890 – 1930 (University of Illinois Press, 2011)
How much: Suggested donation of $5-10

Fiasco Theater’s “The Two Gentlemen of Verona”
When: Through May 24
Where: Polonsky Shakespeare Center at 262 Ashland Place
What: Crackling and quick-moving, The Two Gentlemen of Verona may well have been Shakespeare’s first play. A seemingly simple tale of shifting devotions among mismatched lovers, it helped launch the enduring genre of rom-com. Yet its delightful madcap surface conceals undercurrents, as its putative hero proves a cad and a faithless friend. A beguiling, nuanced production from the theater that brought us Cymbeline, and Into the Woods to the Roundabout Theatre.
How much: $60-85 per person (use code: GENT55 for $55 tickets). Purchase online or by phone at 866-811-4111.