Things To Do In Ditmas Park This Week

You can compost your kitchen scraps for free at Q Gardens every Wednesday at Xpm. Photo via Q Gardens.
You can compost your kitchen scraps for free at Q Gardens every Wednesday from 6:30-8:30pm. Photo via Q Gardens.

Happy Monday, neighbors! This week, you can find out what’s happening with crime in our neighborhood at CB 14’s Public Safety Committee meeting tonight, go to a free concert at Brooklyn College Tuesday evening, compost at Q Gardens on Wednesday, and lots more. If you have an upcoming event you’d like featured in our calendar, or if there’s anything we’ve left off, let us know! Post your events in our community calendar or email us at

Monday, May 18

• Attend CB 14’s Public Safety Committee meeting at the board’s office at 810 E. 16th Street, 7pm.
We’re Going to Hell Comedy Night at Bar Chord, 9pm.

Tuesday, May 19

• New Gentle Yoga Support series at Third Root Health Center, $15 suggested donation, 10:45am-12pm.
• Join the drop-in sing-along with Miss Katie at Lark Cafe, 11am.
• Kids in grades 1-8 can get help with their homework at the Cortelyou Library, 3-4:30pm.
DIY Teen Time at the Cortelyou Library, 4pm.
• El Super Tostadas dishes up their goods at Sycamore’s Flatbush Food Court, 6-10:30pm.
Join the Brooklyn Front Runners (a multi-sport club for LGBT and LGBT-friendly athletes) for a run at Prospect Park every Tuesday evening, 7pm.
• Hear Brooklyn College musicians perform their free Computer Music Showcase at the college’s Studio 312-Roosevelt Hall, 8pm.
• Win a $60 bar tab during Highbury Pub’s trivia night, 9pm.
Old Time Musketry performs at Bar Chord, 9pm.

Wednesday, May 20

• A gentle yoga class each Wednesday at the Church of the Nativity (1099 Ocean Avenue, by Farragut) will include stretching, strengthening, and breathing deeply, and the instructor noted it’s good for those with arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, or just regular aches and pains. $10 suggested donation, 10:30am.
• Join the sing-along with Debbie Deane at Lark Café, 11am.
• Kids can get help with their homework at the Cortelyou Library, 3-4:30pm.
• Teens Tech Time at the Cortelyou Library, 4-5pm.
• See artwork by PS 249 students in the school’s gym, 6pm. Festivities at the free event will include a violin performance, refreshments, prizes, and more. Open to all!
• Bring your kitchen scraps to Q Gardens for free composting, 6:30-8:30pm.
• Shape Up NYC presents its Glutes in Gear: Cardio & Toning class at Prospect Park’s Audubon Center, 6-7pm. (Please bring your own workout mat.)
Ono Banh Mi dishes up their deliciousness at Sycamore’s Flatbush Food Court, 6-10:30pm.
•Join neighbor Ian Olasov for the season’s final Brooklyn Public Philosophers talk featuring Bruce Matthews on the work of 19th century philosopher F.W.J. Schelling, at the Central Library’s Info Commons Lab, 7pm.
• Free Standards, featuring Nicolas Letman-Burtinovic, Anna Weber & Nathan E. Bell, at Bar Chord, 9pm.
• Two-for-one whiskey night at the Highbury Pub, 9pm.