Things To Do In Southern Brooklyn This Week: Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, Free Opera, Tree Lightings Galore

Stay up to date on community happenings, cultural events and other free or otherwise affordably priced goings-ons in your community. For even more things to do around Brooklyn, or to add your own upcoming event (some of which we’ll feature in this roundup in the future!), check out our calendar.
Lactation Lounge ribbon cutting at Coney Island Hospital
When: Tuesday, December 6 at 1 p.m.
Where: 2601 Ocean Parkway, Tower Building, Lactation Lounge, 2nd Floor
What: NYC Health + Hospitals/Coney Island will be opening a dedicated lactation area for new mothers. The new “Lactation Lounge” will be opened for the public and hospital employees to provide privacy for lactating mothers.
How much: FREE
More info: Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and other hospital officials will be in attendance.
Friends of Historic New Utrecht Lecture: Brooklyn’s Floyd Bennett Field – New York’s First Airport
When: Tuesday, December 6 at 7:30 p.m.
Where: The Parish House at the New Utrecht Reformed Church, 18th Avenue and 84th Street
What: A lecture by Brooklyn Borough Historian on Floyd Bennett Field, New York’s First Airport
How much: FREE
More info: and (718) 256-7173.
Monsignor Cassato and Jamie’s annual lighting
When: Wednesday, December 7 beginning at 4:30 p.m.
Where: 7101 18th Avenue
Salvatore Strazzullo, a lifelong Dyker resident, has been holding his personal tree lighting ceremony for what will this year be 15 years. The event will feature games, rides, music by DJ Cousin Anthony, and food by Brooklyn’s own Famous Lucy’s Sausages and an appearance from Santa himself. “This event is just a small gesture by him to the community as a thank you for their continued support,” Strazzullo’s cousin told us via email. All are invited!
Strazzullo Law Firm Christmas tree lighting
When: Wednesday, December 7
Where: Corner of 18th Avenue and 71st Street
What: Hosted by Msgrs. David Cassato and Jamie Gigantiello
How much: FREE
More info: Free food, music, and more!
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
When: Wednesday, December 7, beginning at 11 a.m.
Where: The foot of Bay Ridge Avenue, on the American Veterans Memorial Pier (also known as the 69th Street Pier)
What: The Brooklyn Council of the Kings County V.F.W. will hold ceremonies and a wreath presentation in commemoration of National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.
How much: FREE
More info: All veterans are encouraged to attend. This event is open to the public.
Bensonhurst West End Community Council Meeting
When: Thursday, December 8 at 7:15 p.m.
Where: Harway Terrace’s Community Room at 2475 West 16th Street, opposite John Dewey High School
What: The BWECC Open Community Meetings act as small Town Hall Meetings where residents and businesses’ concerns can be addressed to gain our council’s support. The agenda of this December meeting is to request and receive nominations for our 55th Gala’s honorees, to meet and speak at our Council’s Gala Committee’s Holiday cake cutting ceremony
How much:
More info: There is absolutely no visitors parking allowed within any of Harway Terrace’s parking lots
Regina Opera in Concert
When: Thursday, December 8 at 6 p.m.
Where: Dyker Library at 8202 13th Avenue
What: The Dyker branch of the Public Library will host a FREE one-hour concert by Regina Opera. This concert will feature opera and popular selections performed by Regina Opera soloists Kathryn Cohen, Hannah Stone, and Mizuho Takeshita – sopranos; Gennady Vysotsky – basso; accompanied by Maxine Feldman – pianist.
How much: FREE
More info: Visit our Website:, e-mail us at or call 718-259-2772
McKinley Park tree lighting
When: Thursday, December 8 at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Bay Ridge Parkway and Fort Hamilton Parkway
What: This event is organized in partnership with the Dyker Heights Civic Association
How much: FREE
More info: Hosted by Marty Golden