Thieves Break Through Wall Of Ceasar’s Bay Best Buy, Stealing $75,000 In Merchandise

A band of thieves busted through the wall of the Ceasar’s Bay Best Buy like the Kool-Aid man on Tuesday morning, stealing approximately $75,000 in electronics.
The Daily News reports:
The thieves made their way to the rear of the Best Buy on Shore Parkway near Bay Parkway in Bensonhurst sometime before 5 a.m., sources said. They busted a hole in the wall to gain access to the merchandise.
Cops responding to a 5:45 a.m. 911 call at first thought the thieves used a boat to move the stolen Apple products because a ladder was left at the scene.
Yet as the sun came up, investigators learned that the thieves cut through a fence and a busted open a gate, sources said. Drag marks found at the scene are now leading police to believe that the thieves drove to and from the store.
The New York Post pegged the amount of property taken at approximately $75,000, largely in Apple electronics and GPS devices, and noting that the thieves appear to have fled via Bay View Place.
While the Post said police believe it’s related to a string of Best Buy thefts, the News notes that the burglary bears the marks of the “hole in the wall” gang who smashed their way into the 86th Street and Bay Parkway P.C. Richards years ago.