The Perfect Valentine Date

Boys and young men: are you responsible for figuring out Valentine’s Day but have no idea what to do? We’ve planned you the perfect date and will explain why.

Simple (inexpensive) gift
The point of this date isn’t the gift but when she hands you a mug of jelly beans, you’ll need to reciprocate with something physical. (Her friends will ask what you got her and she needs to name an object before she launches into the amazing afternoon spent with you.)

Here are a list of gift costing $10 or less you can find in the neighborhood.

Walk a dog
Sean Casey Animal Rescue (153 East 3rd Street) is constantly looking for volunteers to walk rescue dogs. This is the perfect date activity because:

  • Shows you are sensitive
  • Shows you are creative (I won’t tell her you got the idea here)
  • She can coo over other animals while you’re waiting for a dog
  • If the date is going poorly, you can take the dog back and go home early
  • If the date is going well, you can walk the dog slowly around Prospect Park and savor her company

Warm up with hot chocolate
The February air is chilly so warm her up with hot cocoa and a gluten-free chocolate cupcake at Steeplechase (3013 Fort Hamilton Pkwy). She’ll dream of warming up in your arms.

Best date ever costs you:
$5-10 for card and gift + $0 for dog walking + $15 for 2 warm drinks and a treat = $20-25. Her heart: priceless.