The Open Corner: June #3

June Artist: Lolita B.

From Lolita:

Continuing from last week and the week before…my theme of “change and transformation” using images from our wonderfully diverse neighborhood. I noticed this eye-catching street art outside of Cafe Madeleine on Cortelyou Road near East 16th St. (there is an older piece very similar to it further up Cortelyou Road, near Coney Island Ave). My interpretation was that of breaking free…shedding layers…right down to the bare bones. In other words, a metamorphosis…a transformation.

The great thing about art is…it’s subjective, and therefore always open to interpretation. So I ask…what do YOU see here? How do you interpret this piece? And how do you feel about the emergence of street art in Ditmas Park? Does it add to the flavor of our neighborhood?

By the way, does anyone know the identity of the artist?

About Lolita

Lolita B. is a Brooklyn native and has lived in Ditmas Park for 16 years. Passionate about street photography, she also enjoys shooting Brooklyn-related sports events, concerts and cultural events for You can view more of her work at and follow @LolitaLens on Instagram.

What is The Open Corner? Find out here.

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