The Latest From The Gaudy World Of Brighton Beach Real Estate

Oh, the mahogany! (Source: NY Curbed)

Some lucky would-be kingmaker just dropped $3.5 million on a “glamorous” condo located in the Oceana luxury complex (125 Oceana Drive East). According to a report by Curbed, the condo sold for 30 percent less than its initial asking price of $5 million.

The condo in question features an “onyx slab master suite bath that’s fit for a king” and a $250,000 mahogany lined-private office (see above). The space also features a stunning seaside view that may be slightly marred by the sight of anxious beach-goers looking to use the new public bathrooms. Perhaps the new owner has some money left over to donate to the crusade to abolish them.

In other news from the world of Brighton Beach millionaires, no takers were found for the $3 million wood-paneled paradise that features extra sparkly chandeliers. That condo, located at 2805 Ocean Parkway, was taken off the market.

Below, enjoy a few more looks at the $3.5 million palace featured above.

A couch made from real cotton candy (Source: NY Curbed)
Shower your body from seven different angles (Source: NY Curbed)