The Greenmarket Report

photo via Facebook

Summer is tragically winding to a close (or not so tragically, depending on your feelings on extreme heat and/or back to school), which means now’s the time to soak up the beginning of the end of prime seasonal produce before we all turn into pumpkins. As always, the GAP Greenmarket is on today from 8am to 4pm with samples, demonstrations, and late-summer eats, plus composting and textile recycling (bring your scraps!). This week, the sample tent will be featuring herbal simple syrups from Evolutionary Organics — stop by, have a taste, and learn what to do with them (spike your soda stream?).

Then tomorrow, the vegetables keep coming with the Park Slope Farmers Market (a slightly more civilized 11am to 5pm). No special events there this week, but I still maintain they’ve got the best free sample selection in town.