The DEP Asks New Yorkers To ‘Cease The Grease’

The Department of Environmental Protection is urging New Yorkers to reuse and/or properly dispose of their cooking oil this holiday season (and really, all other days of the year), and help keep sewer lines open and functioning as they should.

The DEP recently released their Cease the Grease campaign, which highlights the issues with and alternatives to pouring cooking oil down your sink. Or toilet. Has anyone ever taken a pan into the bathroom to pour its contents down a toilet?

In any case, they suggest instead either pouring the grease into a sealable, non-recyclable container and throwing it out with your regular trash, and/or using the grease to cook other items–which aside from being green, can enhance food’s flavor. They also ask that you wipe out your pots and pans with a paper towel before washing them.

These steps will keep sewer lines from backing up, leading to a happier holiday (and, again, all other days of the year) for everyone. Bon appetit!

Image via Wikimedia Commons