The 5 Most Important Things When Selecting An After School Program (Sponsored)

Last week, NYC students waved goodbye to the summer of 2016 and hello to new teachers, classrooms, and friends. For most parents, it’s a welcome reprieve – the kids go back to school and they don’t have to worry about how to keep them busy and safe. For the kids, it’s a dread that their fabulously free summers are over, and it’s back to schoolwork and homework.
But what about after school? How do you keep kids engaged and happy? What about making time for playdates or sports? Finding the right after school program is important to all of the aforementioned questions. But how do you know what to look for? Emily Slavutskaya, coordinator of youth programs at Aviator Sports and Events Center, recommends five things to consider:

1) Homework assistance given by quality staff – The few hours after school are a critical time for children to reinforce what they were taught. Another important factor is the quality staff at the program. Homework Helpers need to be knowledgeable in the various subjects, including but not limited to English, math, science, social studies.
2) Transportation – Relying on carpools or waiting for a bus/van that has to make multiple stops doesn’t give parents peace of mind. An after school program that provides bus service from multiple schools alleviates these concerns.
3) Full-day programming on days when school is not in session – Events like teacher conferences are not built into parents work schedule. A program that runs on off days gives parents an option. Kids get to have a fun day with friends in a place they enjoy.

4) Healthy Snacks and Drinks – The after school snack has been a staple of kids lives since school was invented. It is important that any program be able to provide kids with nutritious snacks to keep their minds sharp and their bodies energized for homework help and fun activities.
5) Activities – After homework is tackled, kids need a variety of exciting programs to stay entertained and having fun during their time at after school.

Aviator bonus: You can use the after school program transportation to transport your kids to Aviator sports programs that start later in the afternoon.
Aviator’s youth programming staff is always on hand to provide tours or answer questions. Call 718-758-7518 or email
This post was sponsored by the Aviator Sports and Recreation Center. If you would like to reach our loyal Brooklyn readers please contact us.