Thanksgiving Turkey Drive Update: 15 Days & 369 Families To Go

Great news: with just over two weeks until Thanksgiving, generous neighbors have helped CAMBA raise funds to make sure over 130 local families in need will have a memorable turkey dinner this year.

Not as great: we’ve still got at least another 369 families to go before our goal of 500 Turkeys for 500 Families is reached! Time is running out, so if you haven’t donated already, please join us, CAMBA’s Beyond Hunger Food Pantry, and young neighbors Yates and Ellis Wong and Morgan Chan to help make this Thanksgiving a special one for some of our less fortunate neighbors and their families.

Please consider donating $25, $50, or $100 to the campaign. $25 feeds a family of six who can’t make the holidays happen without you, $50 two families, and so on. November 28 will be here before you know it, and we want everyone to have something to be thankful for, just like we’re thankful to all of our neighbors who have done their part so far!