Thank You, Neighbors!

This Thanksgiving is different. As we start to gather in much smaller numbers, it’s not hard to count the blessings. I’m writing, thankful that I’m alive, that we have a roof over our heads and food on the table. That we can share with those who this year, for whatever reason, are suffering more.
We are all partaking in the collective suffering this year. It’s been beyond exhausting. But we need to be strong and be there for those who are not or cannot be at this time. For those who will have an empty seat, or two or more this year at their tables, for those who are in hospitals fighting for their lives or fighting for the lives of others, for those who will for months struggle to breathe. For those who are stuck at home alone. You are all in our hearts and you are not alone.
I’m thankful for all of you, neighbors, for stepping up to help each other in such an incredibly inspiring way this year. I hope the friendships and networks of mutual aid and support only grow stronger. That we can together help this city we all love, and its people come out of this pandemic stronger, better, and permanently more resilient; that we emerge more thoughtful and compassionate from this experience. (And that we have the wisdom to pick the right people in next year’s local elections!)
On a more personal level, I am incredibly thankful for everyone who has made Bklyner what it is and allowed it to continue to be around, despite the pandemic and cuts all around us. For my children, who managed the remote school without much complaining and showed such grace under some incredibly tough restrictions, allowing me to work. For my husband, who supported me every step of the way, never losing faith. For Zainab, Ellie, Rachel, and Keira, who never faltered and found ways to report despite the restrictions.
To everyone who contributed stories, or became a subscriber, or shared those stories, to those who sent tips and commented – Thank You. It means so much to me that you care, and it has been an honor and privilege to be part of your lives this year.
We are, without a doubt heading in for some dark months. But the sun will come up again tomorrow. So I’m planning to make it through this winter, taking it one day at a time, looking forward to being able to see everyone in person soon.
Love and blessings to you all, and as always – if you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out.