4 min read

Teen Robbed With Stun Gun, Man Stabbed In Pool Game Dispute & More From The Kensington Felony Crime Report

66th precinct on Avenue C

Hurrah! The Kensington crime report continues under the 66th Precinct’s new commander, Captain Kenneth M. Quick.  A  shout out, too, to the officer who puts this report together monthly despite her busy work schedule and new patrol duty on the streets.

This report covers felony crimes that occurred only in Kensington’s two police sectors, G and K, from February 16, 2015 through March 16, 2015. Sector G includes Beverley Road to Avenue F, and 37th Street to Coney Island Avenue; Sector K covers Caton Avenue to Beverley Road and 37th Street to Coney Island Avenue. The entire 66th Precinct is parceled into 13 sectors, lettered A-J. You can look at the precinct’s weekly CompStat report here, showing a summary of felony and misdemeanor crimes for the entire command of Kensington, Boro Park, and Midwood.


Saturday, February 28 at 4:09 am, reported one hour later.
9th Street between Ditmas & 18th Avenues
Police said a 22-year-old suspect allegedly pointed a knife at his victim and said, “Give me your money. What do you have in your pocket?” He allegedly made off with $80 from his victim, a 26-year-old man who was standing in front of his house, the NYPD said. The 66th Precinct caught the alleged thief immediately and arrested him.

Monday, March 2 at 2:25 pm, reported 1-2/3 hours later.
18th Avenue & E. 7 Street
Two older teenaged boys allegedly took an LG cellphone from a 13-year-old boy who was walking home from school, police said. One suspect allegedly used a stun gun on the kid, injuring him, according to the NYPD. The 66th Precinct Detective Squad arrested one individual the next day, March 3.

Monday, March 16 at 4:45 am. Reported 1-1/3 hours later.
13th Avenue between 36th & 37th Streets
Police said two 20-year-old men allegedly entered a 32-year-old man’s (and his companion’s) apartment without permission. One man allegedly threatened to kill one resident while the other suspect allegedly struck the companion with a blunt metal object, according to police. Then the first individual allegedly pulled out a silver firearm, police said. The two suspects fled on foot, allegedly taking a cell phone and cash from a table in the apartment, worth about $800, according to the NYPD. The 66th Precinct arrested them shortly thereafter.


Tuesday, February 24 at 3:05 am. Reported 5 minutes later.
Beverley Road between Church Avenue &  E. 2 Street
A pool table game turned ugly when a 49-year-old man allegedly stabbed his opponent, another man, 35, in the neck with knife, rupturing the younger man’s jugular vein and sending him to the hospital for immediate surgery, police said. An argument about the game allegedly led to the stabbing, according to the NYPD. The 66th Precinct arrested the suspect soon thereafter.

Friday, February 27 at 9:13 p.m. Reported 10 minutes later.
Coney Island Avenue between Church Avenue & Turner Place
A man, 41, allegedly got into a verbal dispute with another man, who then allegedly struck him from behind with a hard object, resulting in a laceration to victim’s head, police said. The victim refused to speak to the 66 Precinct Detective Squad and declined medical treatment.

Friday, March 6 at 12:15 am. Reported two hours later.
Church Avenue between E. 7th & E. 8th Streets
A man, 36, told police someone slashed his left shoulder and lacerated it as he was walking home. Police said the victim refused to cooperative with investigation and have no description of the perpetrator.


Friday, February 20, between 3pm and 7 pm. Reported 2½ hours later.
Avenue C between McDonald Avenue & E. 2 Street
A man, 41, reported to police that someone stole his Hewlett-Packard computer, worth about $500, from his residence.

Thursday, February 26, between 12:15pm and 3:10 pm. Reported three hours later.
Ocean Parkway between Caton & Church Avenues
Another man, 43, told police someone took $850 in jewelry and cash from his apartment.

Monday, March 9 at 9:15 am. Reported 1¼ hours later.
E. 3rd Street between Caton Avenue & Albermarle Road
A man, 61, reported to police he saw a man coming through his side first-floor window when he happened to walk downstairs. The guy fled on foot when the home owner asked him what he was doing.  No property was taken.


Saturday, February 14 at 12pm. Reported Friday, February 27.
E. 3rd Street between Beverley Road & Avenue C
A man, 44, told police that someone unknown opened a Verizon cell phone account in his name.

Saturday, February 28, sometime between 3:30pm and 4 pm. Reported Friday, March 6 at 5:40 pm.
The Subway restaurant at 93 Church Avenue, between Dahill Road & McDonald Avenue.
Police said a woman, 25, was buying a sandwich when she discovered someone had made unauthorized purchases on her TB debit card.  Her DMV ID card, an insurance card, and money were also missing.

Saturday, March 7 between 1pm and 2 pm. Reported 20 minutes later.
Ocean Parkway between Avenue C & Cortelyou Road
When she left for work, a woman, 18, reported her former boyfriend, 17, was waiting for her outside, police said. Allegedly grabbing her phone from her hand, he ran out the building, according to the NYPD. Police said the woman said her boyfriend was using her phone without her authority or permission. The 66th Precinct Detective Squad arrested him Thursday, March 12.

Friday, February 20 between 12am and 3 am. Reported March 11, 10:15 pm.
36th Street between 12th and 13th Avenues
A man, 57, told police that someone used his debit card to withdraw money from his account and then used those cards to open an AT&T line.

From Monday, March 9 at 3:20 pm through Wednesday, March 11 at 2 pm. Reported Thursday, March 12 at 11:09 am.
Ocean Parkway between Cortelyou Road & Ditmas Avenue
A woman, 40, and a man, 57, told police their property was missing from this location, including a metal high school ring and a diamond Chanel wedding band worth $5,300.