Tan Minivan & Silver Minivan Collide

This afternoon, sometime around 3:30 p.m., a tan minivan collided with a silver minivan in front Sheepshead Bay High School.

One witness said that he was looking out the window at the moment when the cars collided, and he immediately came out to the sidewalk. He had said this to say about the accident: “This brown car, he went to go pull a u-turn and he crashed into him while he was coming down the street.” When asked if he thought there was any speeding involved, he said, “Nah, there was no speeding.”

Emergency response workers could be seen carefully removing an injured male victim from the tan minivan. Minutes later, he was placed on a stretcher and taken away in an ambulance. It is not known if there are any others injured in the crash.

There was police presence at spot where the crash occurred. The street did not appear to be closed to traffic, as cars could be seen passing near the injured person as he was being lifted into the ambulance.